
Trevor Noah on the Impressive Amount of Bullsh*t in Mike Pence's RNC Speech

jaunte8/28/2020 11:53:56 am PDT

PAUL: My feeling is that there is interstate criminal traffic being paid for across state lines, but you won’t know unless you arrest them. Otherwise you just think, “Oh, these are some normal hoodlums from a big city.”
I promise you that at least some of the members and the people who attacked us were not from D.C., they flew here in a plane, they’ve all got fresh new clothes, and they were paid to be here.
It is a crime to do that and it needs to be traced, the FBI needs to investigate, but the only way you can do it is you have to arrest people. And usually we say, “Oh well, you didn’t get hurt so we’re not going to arrest them.” They were inciting a riot and they would have killed us had the police not been there.
They all need to be arrested, and I’m not saying forever, but they need to be arrested, questioned, they need to say, “Where are you staying?” and the bills need to be subpoenaed by a judge to say, “Who paid for your bill, how did you get here on a plane and staying in a fancy hotel and yet you’re acting like a criminal?”
Something’s going on here, and it’s much bigger than people think, but the bottom line is, we can’t let the United States become Portland, and that’s what my fear is: that the United States is going to be on fire if we have no police.

Reads like Rand Paul is trying to get more protestors killed by AR15 toting terrorists.