
A Compilation of Fox News Segments Mainstreaming the White Supremacist "Great Replacement" Theory [VIDEO]

Barefoot Grin12/27/2021 1:03:41 pm PST

I just took a quick look at Sirota’s twitter. I guess there’s a mixed reaction to his movie, but you’d hardly know it from his feed (of course). He just picked Charles out to be his poster boy.

I wouldn’t not watch because he’s involved, but his response to Charles—basically, ‘stop the bullshit and get with climate change action’—displays his blindness to what made him toxic before and will no doubt contaminate both midterms and 2024 for reasonable candidates who can actually get elected. Does he really think that only Bernie supporters are concerned about the climate?

I would just like a reckoning from him and his cohorts. Heck, even the progressive caucus has found discipline amid disappointment to try to find constructive ways to get as much of BBB passed as possible.