
Tom Anello: "No Service" (Fingerstyle Guitar)

mmmirele3/31/2022 6:04:27 pm PDT

Ok, we gotta talk about this some more.

Anyway, I was originally mistaken in thinking the raid was due to the indictment against Lauren Handy and eight others dropping yesterday. (They raided a clinic in DC late last year and barricaded themselves in it.) No, someone decided to tip off DC Police to a potential biohazard in the residence, hence the raid. Remember, this is Washington, DC and I am sure that the police were freaking out about “body parts” or whatever it was reported as.

I’m old enough to remember when Melody Green, widow of Christian songwriter Keith Green, had a fetus in a jar she called “Baby Choice,” which she took around to speaking engagements in the 1980s. More recently, we were reminded that Karen Swallow Prior, formerly of Liberty University and now teaching at some Southern Baptist seminary, had kept a fetus in a Tupperware, which was named “Tia.” This was during a period of anti-abortion unrest centered on Buffalo, NY, in 1992. The fetus was brought out at one of the protests and seized. It’s unclear what happened to it.

But holy crap! Five fetuses! Where did Lauren Handy get them and what was she planning on doing with them? It’s been suggested that she was perhaps going to toss them in a clinic’s regular garbage (not biohazard garbage, which is sterilized) and then call the cops. Or something more nefarious was going on. But for people who claim to reverence life, it seems like they didn’t seem to give a damn about about the fetuses, except to use them as props. I hope the city throws the book at her.