
Another Stealth Creationist Bill in New Mexico

Last Mohican2/20/2009 8:50:13 pm PST

re: #17 Sharmuta

Speaking purely from a lazy student’s perspective, I like this part:

[schools] shall not penalize a student in any way because that student subscribes to a particular position on biological evolution or chemical evolution.

For example, suppose you’re taking a biology test, and you write this:

Q: Describe the significance of the differently shaped beaks found on finches in the Galapagos Islands.
A: God felt like it.

Q: Why is the genetic mutation that causes sickle cell disease found primarily in races originating from tropical or subtropical regions?
A: God felt like it.

Q: Why shouldn’t a doctor prescribe antibiotics for a patient who doesn’t actually have a bacterial infection?
A: God doesn’t like it.

If the teacher takes off any points for those answers, you can sue the school! And suing is always easier than studying.