
Krauthammer: When Austria Mocks You, You're Having a Bad Week

quickjustice4/11/2009 8:40:08 am PDT

The Europeans don’t yet understand that Obama wants to wind down, and eventually eliminate, our status as a military superpower. We’ve employed that power since WWII to protect Europe and other allies. Obama’s trying to accomplish that by approaching our allies, and asking them to begin to assume more responsibility in their own defense, and for the burden of dealing with issues like the GITMO inmates, for example.

The Europeans are laughing at him right now, but that laughter will become short-lived as they realize that Obama really means to withdraw our defensive shield from Europe. Without American protection, the Europeans are very, very exposed. Only the Brits have a military that might possibly defend Britain without U.S. help in a real crisis.

Much as I disagree with his policy on this issue, we shouldn’t laugh at Obama about this. He’s deadly serious.