
Tuesday Afternoon Music: Antoine Dufour and Tommy Gauthier, 'Solitude'

Sharmuta11/17/2009 5:01:06 pm PST

re: #33 Decatur Deb

This afternoon I played with the tag/ tag cloud you mentioned. Got it
working, but it still didn’t point me to the Romanian video thread. My
guess is the assignment of tags is somewhat impressionistic. Next week
I’ll bug the open thread about “spin-off links”.

Sometimes some tags have multiple pages, and it can take some time to find what you’re looking for, but her video certainly had tags, and I would search the “creationism” tag or the “evolution” tag.

One of the trick I use when going through a tag with a lot of entries is to set the display number to the highest possible number of articles it will show per page, and then Ctrl-F for a key word I’m looking for. For example, when I use the tags for ron paul, I’ll Ctrl-F for “nazi” when I’m looking for the article about him taking money from don black, or I’ll use “stormfront” when I’m looking for the article with the picture ron paul had taken with don black.

Searching “creationism”, I found the article immediately.