
A Reply to David Frum

Ben Hur12/23/2009 10:20:59 am PST

re: #39 darthstar

Why do people drop the ‘o’ in god? It’s not like god is the n-word…Me, I simply use the lower-case g for god as it is inclusive of any god people believe in, including the Christian one. I see god as a metaphor for the self…a way of explaining away things we can’t understand or don’t want to accept (what happens after we die, are we alone in the universe, or are there other earths with humanoid or other life-forms on them with societies, Sarah Palin, etc.)…someone to give faux-credit to when you catch a long pass for a touchdown in a big game, but don’t hold responsible when you fumble or throw an interception.

I know that Walter does it out of respect.

I gather the insistence of using the lower case “g” on a noun is precisely because of the opposite.