
ADL 'Won't Fight' Park51 Community Center

DaddyG8/04/2010 12:16:45 pm PDT

re: #42 Judith

I did not say ALL muslims. I was very careful to say what specific subgroup of Muslims I am afraid of. Of course I am also an admitted right winger so you can just dismiss me as a bigot if it makes you feel better.

70-75% of all Muslims are Sunni which leaves 15% Shi’a. Of the Shi’a Muslims a fraction are radialized. There is money behind the Wahabbists for sure, but as far as the radicals taking over the broader religion, especially in the USA - then going on to take over our national culture and government?! That would take some doing.

Sadly that same line of thinking kept the Catholics, Jews, Mormons, Adventists, ect, down for a long time at vaiours points of our history in the USA. Some of them even died to practice their beliefs.

I hope we would learn from our mistakes.