
Egypt Updates: February 9, 2011

Mostly sane, most of the time.2/09/2011 10:26:33 am PST

re: #35 Alexzander

Well, I don’t think its that clear. If there were massive protests in America, and people were burning down buildings, throwing rocks, smashing windows, disrupting business, and threatening to hang the president you can be sure there would be a massive clamp down. The protests are directly challenging the state, and by extension a variety of laws, and probably 99 percent of governments around the world, democratic or not, would attempt to crush such as resistance.
That being said, I totally support the Egyptian uprising.

The question is by what means do they clamp down. In America, the police are supposed to be limited to specific actions, and barred from other actions.

Beating the crap out of protestors once they have them away from cameras, for example, is strictly prohibited in America.