
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars) Throws Her Tinfoil Hat in the Ring

prairiefire3/24/2011 11:45:22 am PDT

re: #41 moderatelyradicalliberal

This could be true but I think a better way to look at the situation is state by state. The Teapublicans took over a lot of swing states in the 2010 elections and based on polls out of OH, WI, MI, and FL, a majority of people don’t like what they got. Rick Scott of FL has an appoval rating of 30%. People who are being governed by the TPers don’t like it at all. These are very important swing states in which the GOP is doing serious damage with their radical policies, even many TPers don’t like what they are seeing in OH if this is an indication.



The national GOP isn’t getting much attention right now, but whoever the GOP nominee is will carry the burden of their parties unpopularity state by state. The election is a long away and things could change, but the initial impression of Teapublican governance is not good in states that decide election.

Fantastic point. You have made my afternoon a bit brighter. The down ticket is going to suffer greatly from the poor governing of the past two years.