
Is the GOP Smarter Than the Animal Kingdom?

Alexzander8/18/2011 8:29:38 pm PDT

Evening everyone!

Here are some insights into racial and gender oppression from RedState regular poster ‘Scope’:

Here we go again with Fox Perry bashing
Scope Thursday, August 18th at 8:41PM EDT (link)
Everyone deserves a thorough vetting, but, not every male Republican deserves to have a proctology exam every day. Is it a white male thing, because I am really starting to think that.


ps- I need to add to this
Scope Thursday, August 18th at 8:44PM EDT (link)
Baier had a segment today about how black males were not being hired back when they are laid off, but, whites, even with a criminal record have been hired back first. Fox has gone over to the liberals side. Now we have no TV media that is on our side.

Thanks Scope, for pointing out how oppressed millionaire able-bodied white males like Perry are on Fox News!

Here is the thread with the comments: