
Wingnuts Raging at Obama Speech (Of Course)

Hal_100009/09/2011 9:42:17 am PDT

You know, it’s crap like this that lets me know just how far the conservative movement has moved away from me. I thought the speech was impassioned and maybe forceful, but angry is not a word that occurred to me and it was certainly less forceful than what Jim Hoft murmers in his sleep. And less angry than the Right Wing gets if Obama wears mismatched socks.

There were parts of the speech I disagreed with, parts I agreed with. It’s the sort of thing the GOP once, long ago, would have built a compromise from. Reading it, I was thinking, “Hey, this isn’t sooo bad. If we can PAYGO this, I wouldn’t object too strongly.” Then I go online and read about how it was a bunch of communist wealth-envy gibberish that was all about spending more money.

Egads. Wake me in 2016.