
GOP Crowd Boos Gay Soldier Serving in Iraq, While Santorum Babbles About Sex

jaunte9/22/2011 9:17:23 pm PDT

Curious Lurker tweeted a Military Times article just now, and the comment thread is crawling with crazies.

771. K Gore Says: …if the military puts a stamp of approval on that type of perversion, then pedophilia is probably next. It is what it is. This emasculating of out military will bring on serious curses to this country. Natural disasters like never before and more lawlessness. Notice after NY passed gay marriage the earthquake and hurricane hit. This is not coincidence. Abominations have defiled the land. Our president is a sidomite and supports the sodomite agenda…
773. Unknown Says:
Bottom line is GOD said it is an abomination. So no matter what obama or any of you say…. It’s wrong and we all know what happens to people who stand against God’s word….. He wiped out a whole town for this sin.