
Fox News Audience Spews Racial Slurs at Morgan Freeman

Mad Prophet Ludwig9/23/2011 2:00:41 pm PDT

re: #36 imp_62

Jewish hope will never be extinguished.

I mean this with compassion.

Is today worse then when the Romans destroyed the Bais HaMikdash?


Did we give up that terrible day two millennia ago? Did we pack it in? Did we turn to other gods and decide that maybe they were right? Did we forget our home? Did we forget Zion. Our right hands never withered.


We outlasted the Roman and the Greek. Egypt once so mighty, and our oppressor, is nothing but ruins under the sands. They are all dust and we are still here, vital as ever, and as always, on center stage despite having numbers that should barely be noticed by the nations. We went through fires that few other nations can comprehend. And we came home. Home will always be ours and ours alone, but it is actually in our hands now.

We will not loose the homeland to little foes like these. And even if, may He forbid, we did, should it take another two thousand years, we would still take back our land again.

We are not a race of quitters. Hope never dies for us.