
Health Care Mandate Upheld by Supreme Court

Talking Point Detective6/28/2012 10:30:07 am PDT

re: #9 lawhawk

The GOP focus going into November will be to repeal the PPACA (Obamacare/HCR).

Does that sound like a winning notion to anyone who isn’t a right winger? It would surely motivate the base to vote, but would that same right winger really believe Mitt when he says he’d repeal it beginning from Day 1 when he imposed a functionally similar program at the state level - MassHealth?

And it bears repeating - the GOP was for the individual mandate before they were against it. Since President Obama came out in support of it, the GOP has gone full-tilt opposed to the individual mandate even though they originated the idea. But partisan politics trumps reason, logic, or what’s best to improve health care cost containment, expanding insurance coverage, and reducing the costs to providers due to having to deal with indigents and uninsureds.

I think it’s a wining rhetoric if they can successfully brand the mandate as a tax. On the other hand, the Dems need to hammer away at what benefits will be lost with repeal.

Repubs are logistically better at branding, because they’re so disciplined about staying on message.