
Ann Coulter and the Council of Conservative Citizens, Part Deux

hazzyday2/15/2009 7:58:37 pm PST

re: #280 Marvo76

“The best thing to do is to go take a look at the CCC website. I just did & it doesn’t look off-putting at first. There is an ad for a white pride t-shirt, but if black pride shirts are okay, there shouldn’t be an issue. I did check out a link to something called the They do appear to be white racists. I read Guilty & found it to be quite enjoyable”

I gotta ask, would “white pride” be so bad? How about a “white history month” Or a White student union? If they are so bad, then why are they ok with the word “black” in front of them? Or do we owe a penance for our race?

That is probably western civ month. As close as it can get. It might be nice to use the months to honor the ethinc groups that make up America. An Hispanic Month, A Chinese month, An American Indian month. Oh yah maybe a Canadian month just to make them feel better.