
Democrats Turn the Tables, As Expected

_RememberTonyC10/05/2009 12:11:18 pm PDT

re: #440 Charles

I don’t see the point in trying to deny that quite a few right wingers use the name “Hussein” as a pure and simple smear. Bloggers like Pamela Geller and Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit regularly refer to Obama as “President Hussein.”

And I really don’t see the point of emphasizing Obama’s middle name if you’re NOT trying to smear him.

then following that to it’s logical conclusion, it appears that any attempt by a political opponent to link the POTUS to the muslim culture that was formerly a part of his life is considered a smear. except when the President does it himself for the muslim audience. then it’s OK. I would never use his middle name on any of my shows, but I also think there are legitimate times it COULD be used.