
AMA Endorses Health Care Reform Bill

iceweasel3/19/2010 1:56:20 pm PDT

Gays Are More Dangerous Than Guns In Florida

Basically, what Florida is saying is that it’s totally fine to own guns if you want to adopt children — just as long as you’re not gay. While state legislators rushed to pass the NRA-backed measure that fixes a relatively small problem, they still haven’t addressed the major issue that gay families are banned from adopting children. A couple of state lawmakers tried to introduce amendments to the gun bill that would have also barred “adoption agencies from inquiring about a person’s sexual orientation as a requisite for adoption,” but they eventually had to withdraw them.

Florida is the only state to explicitly outlaw gay and lesbian adoptions. The state implemented its ban in 1977 — two years before the first reported case of an adoption by an openly gay person anywhere in the country. Until this week, there hadn’t been a serious debate on the Florida gay adoption ban in the law’s 33-year history.