
Jim Hoft (Gateway Pundit) Staged the Carnahan Coffin Stunt

Walter L. Newton3/25/2010 6:23:21 am PDT

Morning all…

Well, in about an hour, I’m calling the HR person over at our local national super market chain. She called me last Monday, said they may have some positions open, call her back today.

I put a resume in 6 months ago, and had an interview, but they never got back to me. Now they did.

Even if they offer me something, it will only be part time (20 hours plus a week), but the good part is they pay a good bit over minimum wage and 80 hours a month will help, better than no hours a month.

I’ve been looking for something in my career since I left the thrift store, but it seems programming jobs, even when I am 100 percent super qualified, I just never even get a bite from those people.

One good thing, the super market store is up here in our mountain community, just a few miles away. Thats convenient.