
Video: Rachel Maddow and Rand Paul, Part 2

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸5/21/2010 12:46:08 am PDT

re: #425 Bagua

There is no monolithic Jewish population and a wide diversity of opinions on any subject, to say the least. I would expect the majority feel less than comfortable at the notion for various reasons.

you’ve invoked, unintentionally i guess, a favorite joke that we hebrews like to tell about ourselves, that is, “if you have ten jews in a room you’ll get at least eleven opinions”.


having said that, i’d like to answer the original question, since, yes, i don’t like to hear the phrase ‘judeo-christian’ since it appears to sign us up for a lot of stuff that i, as a jew and as a bunch of other things, don’t agree with. also, judaism is not, i repeat, not the same religion as christianity, and furthermore it is not, i repeat, not, as a lot of people seem to think, mostly like christianity except that jews don’t believe jesus was the messsiah. not.

i say this desiring to make a clear distinction between the many different varieties of christians, ranging from righteous people who truly hear what jesus said to crazy assholes that i’m tempted to hit upside the head with a two-by-four

ok, you guys hit upon a pet peeve of mine and i’m finished venting now…