
Glenn Beck on Faith Healing and Vaccination: 'Meet Mr. Smith and Wesson'

lostlakehiker10/15/2010 6:34:28 pm PDT

re: #446 negativ

It was inspired by the depraved tale of Congo Free State, a privately controlled government that, as you might expect, self-destructed in lots of horrible ways.

Congo Free State was the tool of Leopold the Builder, King of Belgium. Bruce Bueno di Mosquito, in his book “The Predictioneer’s Game”, describes all this, as well as the relatively benign face that Leopold presented to the Belgians [who had it in their power to depose him if he treated them badly.] Bruce concludes that people, even the most innately demonic, respond to incentives. Watch, then, the moral is, and do not give too much power to anyone, even a Leopold the Builder. You never know what he’d be like given absolute power, until it’s too late.