
Herman Cain Harassment Victim's News Conference

kirkspencer11/04/2011 7:15:54 pm PDT

re: #447 Buck

You are making that up.

Nope. See your OWN FRIGGING POSTre: #437 Buck.

If the settlement was reached after he left, then he left (resigned) before the case was resolved.

And yes, he resigned. He says he left because his term was up. But if you go to the NRA website you’ll discover that most CEOs, to include the present one, were in the position for longer than 3 years. Further you’ll discover that the 3 year rule applies to the board (and chairman of the board) subject to renewals of 3 year terms. Cain was President and CEO, not chairman of the board of directors.

So nope. The only “making it up” is my speculation (identified as such) that the sexual harassment cases directly contributed to him leaving the NRA.