
CNN's Dana Loesch Says Ending Friendships With People Because They're Gay Is Just Part of Being a Conservative Teen

Gus6/08/2012 9:27:48 am PDT

Whacko Malkin:

Investigative journalist/researcher Mandy Nagy, who blogs at the late Andrew Breitbart’s Internet media powerhouse, dared to chronicle Kimberlin’s lucrative business and political ventures over the past two years. Kimberlin has a large hand in two well-funded outfits, Velvet Revolution and the Justice Through Music Project, that have received funding from the likes of George Soros’s Tides Foundation and left-wing activist/singer Barbra Streisand. The charitable groups have viciously attacked prominent conservative individuals and groups, including Breitbart, investigative journalist James O’Keefe, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Nagy has been hounded relentlessly online and falsely accused of wild criminal conspiracies by Kimberlin associates for blowing the whistle on his shady online network.