
Romney Testified in 2002 That He Attended Bain Board Meetings

Eclectic Cyborg7/13/2012 10:16:37 am PDT

Romney adds more rich people to campaign team

A trio of wealthy Arkansas businessmen has joined Republican Mitt Romney’s fundraising operation, the campaign announced this week.

Warren Stephens, a billionaire investment banker from Little Rock; Murphy Oil Chairman Claiborne Deming; and John Tyson, president of the poultry-processing giant Tysons’ Foods are Romney for President “finance state co-chairs,” according to a news release posted Thursday on the campaign’s website.

“We are all proud to be a part of the Romney team,” Stephens said in a statement. “President Obama has had over three years to fix our economy and it is clear that he is in over his head. Mitt Romney has a decades-long record of job creation and the pro-growth plan to get the country on the right track. We all look forward to working our hardest to help provide the resources needed to defeat President Obama and turn around the country.”

Given the current controversy over Bain Capital those comments are quite hilarious. The article continues:

Romney has refused to release a complete list of his fundraisers and how much they have collected from others, bucking a practice of presidential nominees going back to the 2000 election. Romney occasionally announced fundraisers in 2011 to demonstrate support for his candidacy in key states, but those announcements have been rare in recent months.

For a story published Thursday, USA TODAY reviewed invitations, news releases, Federal Election Commission records and other accounts to identify roughly 1,200 individuals raising campaign money for Romney. Among the findings: Executives from the world of finance account for roughly a quarter of his fundraisers, more than any other sector.

Given what happened in 2008, this should worry us all.