
Palin Reacts to Akin Flap With Bizarre Disconnected Rant

NJDhockeyfan8/22/2012 9:38:43 am PDT

Michael Moore and Oliver Stone defend Julian Assange despite rape charges

Filmmakers Michael Moore and Oliver Stone have defended Julian Assange, saying the Wikileaks boss is being persecuted by the US.

“Ecuador has acted in accordance with important principles of international human rights,” the pair wrote of the Ecuadorian embassy’s decision to grant Assange refuge in London, in a joint op-ed for the New York Times.

“Indeed, nothing could demonstrate the appropriateness of Ecuador’s action more than the British government’s threat to violate a sacrosanct principle of diplomatic relations and invade the embassy to arrest Mr. Assange.”

In relation to the rape allegations against Assange, the directors wrote:
“Swedish authorities have traveled to other countries to conduct interrogations when needed, and the WikiLeaks founder has made clear his willingness to be questioned in London.”

The pair also highlighted Ecuador’s willingness to let Assange travel to Sweden if it received a pledge that he would not then be then handed over to the US, where he could face the death penalty for his leaks of diplomatic cables in 2011.