
President's Day Open

Vicious Babushka2/16/2009 12:58:23 pm PST

re: #441 Cato the Elder

That would fit Queen Elizabeth Tudor, except she never married. They say as she grew older she just put new makeup over the old, so thick you could scrape it with a knife. And bathing was certainly a rarity in those days. Courtiers would keep a perfume-drenched handkerchief in their sleeves to apply to the nose when someone particularly stinky came around. That’s the origin of the hankie sticking out of men’s breast pockets, I once read.

Panniers were just another fashion oddity, I think. Like the Elizabethan collar.

I think she did have some kind of “marriage” ceremony in which she married herself to England. At least that’s what I remember from the first Elizabeth movie starring Cate Blanchett.