
Overnight Open Thread

Walter L. Newton4/05/2010 9:49:12 am PDT

re: #441 windsagio

Fair enough. Then I respectfully disagree that people in Europe are ‘more complex’ than us :P

The rest of it was right on and very well said ;)

It may be the way I put that, I’m not sure how to explain it other than use the word complex.

What I am trying to say is they have much more “baggage” to sort through in regards to any situation, especially political or religious. It’s not as simple as right/wrong, left/right. These people have had to put up with the “rules” changing every 50-60 years, through history, borders changing, experiments in numerous systems of governments, kings, queens, defined classes…

Europeans, actually people of most of the world, have much more complex issues to deal with, now and for centuries before. We are gifted to have had the system we have had.