
Overnight Open Thread

spocomptonite5/04/2011 9:45:41 am PDT

re: #38 WindUpBird

Dude, I’m from SEATTLE

Fish is like my primary protein ^_^ I ask for smoked salmon for Christmas, my parents literally MAIL ME FISH

it’s a region thing, I’ve been eating fish since I can remember eating anything

One time as a kid my family had to live in South Dakota for a few years, and then we triumphantly returned to the PNW by moving to the Tacoma Aroma. Our first day there, we went to Point Defiance park. In the parking lot, a guy asked if we liked salmon. I was all, YES I AM IN WITHDRAWAL HERE. My mom was a bit calmer but also couldn’t resist. Turns out he was a fisherman from the Puyallup tribe. So the guy opened his trunk, and it was filled to the top with ice cubes. Within the ice were the biggest king salmon we have still ever seen, 10 years later. He picked one up, both hands required, and says, “Hmm. Feels like 20 pounds. How about $20?”

It was more than 20 pounds, and took 4 people three days to eat it all. To this day, the best fish we ever had, and for the duration of our stay in Tacoma, we looked but never saw Trunk-full-of-fish guy again.