
Breitbart Editor Meredith Dake: A Note on Comments

Gus4/03/2012 9:49:37 am PDT

Zimmerman defender rants about ‘young black males’

“Neighbor-hood, that’s a great word,” Taaffe said, chuckling. “We had eight burglaries in our neighborhood, all perpetrated by young black males in the 15 months prior to Trayvon being shot.”

“How many of those cases did they arrest people?” O’Brien wondered. “How many of those cases were people actually convicted.”

“One that I know of where the perpetrator was apprehended,” Taaffe admitted. “The young black male went in during the daytime just two houses down from where my my place was.”

“It sounds like you are saying that it made sense to you that George Zimmerman would be fearful of young black men,” O’Brien observed.

“No, it would be consistent that the perpetrators were all of the young black male ID,” Taaffe explained. “All of the perpetrators of the prior burglaries were young black males. … You know, there’s an old saying that if you plant corn, you get corn.”