
2012 Democratic National Convention: Day One, Thread Three, Michelle Obama Edition

lawhawk9/05/2012 7:34:48 am PDT

re: #433 Dark_Falcon

I’ve seen the reports but haven’t read the full case. WTCP (which is Larry Silverstein’s company btw) can proceed on its suit against United and American for negligence over their screening of passengers on the ill-fated hijacked airlines.

The airlines countered that Silverstein has already recovered insurance proceeds.

What the ruling indicates is that there’s a material issue of fact and summary judgment wasn’t warranted.

Moreover the damages were capped at the amount that Silverstein paid for the 99 year lease.

If Silverstein were to recover at trial, I’d expect appeals on the verdict. A ruling in Silverstein’s favor would seriously hurt the airlines’ bottom line, which is still on shaky ground (American is in bankruptcy and a judge just threw out the pilots’ union contract deal). There’s no way that this would settle since so much money is at stake.

If Silverstein doesn’t win at trial, it would reduce his ability to build at WTC and elsewhere (though the real issue at building 2 and 3 WTC is a lack of tenants and they wont build unless they get commitments on those towers before finished beyond the stub heights).