
Tuesday Night Jam: Nigel Hall & NOLA International, "Brother, I'm Hungry"

BeachDem3/23/2016 10:27:31 am PDT

re: #437 HappyWarrior

Bernie is winning with Bernie voters, you can’t deny that. // Sigh. People have heard Bernie’s message. I knew who Bernie Sanders was before a lot of people who love him knew who he was. Not bragging but I need to point that out if the professor here is going to insist that it’s people not knowing Bernie that causes them not to vote for him. I just don’t see Bernie as a good GE candidate or even a solid president, I also think his focus is too limited. Economic injustice is a problem. He’s right but he doesn’t see that a lot of things can’t simply be explained by economic inequality. And frankly his campaign’s condescending crap doesn’t feel inclusive at all. I don’t like people being called “low information” or it implied that they’re selling out progressivism or liberalism by not supporting Bernie but maybe that’s just me. I had a chance to feel the Bern and I haven’t felt it.

Back in early 2015, when Bernie spoke at our convention (he had announced, so he was speaking as a candidate) it was long before people were feeling much of the bern. He came to a cocktail party and a dinner the night before, and he was personable and approachable.

His speech at the convention was long on what’s wrong and almost absent what could be done about it. At the time, I said that, although he certainly was fired up, the speech was actually more depressing than inspiring. I still feel the same way.