
Hannity's Scaremonger of the Day

Afrocity2/16/2009 9:42:55 pm PST

re: #416 coquimbojoe

I saw that guy tonight and thought he dodged some questions. When I saw he was fronting for a religious group I was suspicious. Thanks for the info. I like Hannity and think he does a pretty good job on the radio, but I think he needs to pick his guests better. Too much Pat Buchanan for my taste.

I like Hannity as well. He does get tin foil-ish at times. If he is not what we want to represent us as “the right” then we should see that other voices get out there. Unfortunately most of MSM is controlled by the left and you will never see a balanced news line up. I watch Lou Dobbs on CNN and then I go to Fox. I am glad Colmes is gone but I am giving Sean a chance to get his stride being solo. I love his radio show too. I also think that Sean is a nice person and not a jackass like Olberman.