
Barrett Brown Will Make Fun of Islam for Pageviews

Walter L. Newton5/07/2010 6:24:34 pm PDT

re: #444 windsagio

not at all :P

The point is, there’s a pattern where people just can’t let being challenged on the subject of theism go, no matter what.

What I’m implying (but can’t prove, of course) is that there’s some underlying psychology or insecurity there that leads to this… Which ties in to my pet theory about the subject >

Well… I can blow that theory out of the water… I rarely argue belief… I don’t care what you believe…

On LGF, I will argue theology, I will argue textual criticism of certain holy books I’m familiar with.

If you claim you faith is informed by you knowledge or understanding or even belief in holy scriptures, than I can knock that foundation right out from under you.

But I don’t find any insecurity in the fact that you believe.