
Madison Tea Party: Palin Introduced by Breitbart Screaming 'Go To Hell!'

jamesfirecat4/16/2011 7:08:34 pm PDT

re: #448 NJDhockeyfan

I got stuck in traffic today after a big storm passed through. When I was almost home 2 ambulances & 2 firetrucks passed me. This is why:

I’m in that video somewhere.

I can do one better.

My mom got interviewed for TV because of a tree came down in our house less than a year ago.

For reference this tree had been there ever since I was born and probably a lot longer than that, it was about as long as our front yard.

It managed to SOMEHOW fall in JUST the right place that it missed THE HOUSE and THE CAR, falling perfectly between the two since it could have easily f***ed up either one.

Of course because it fell across out front porch it was impossible to get out or into our house using the front door for about two weeks before we finally got it taken away.