
Overnight Podcast: The Bob & Chez Show, 12/10/15

ObserverArt12/11/2015 10:13:55 am PST

re: #394 Dr. Matt

[Embedded content]

Here are some other fine display by Ms. DeLemus. She is quit the video star.

This one was a fight over the NH Tea Partiers trying to keep President Obama off the NH ballot in 2012.

NH Birther Reps. Susan DeLemus and Harry Accornero Lash Out at Ballot Law Commission

This one is her being interviewed about her issues with Mitt Romney and how the GOP backed him.

Susan DeLemus at Tea Party Rally

ANd one with her and another guy talking about the Federal Government’s Sustainable Communities Initiative being implemented in New Hampshire.

GrokTV: “After Testimony” interview with - Sue DeLemus, Warren Groen

Here she is talking about running for reelection.

GrokTV Special Interview: NH State Rep. Sue DeLemus (R-Rochester)