
The Incredibly Dumb Nontroversy That Stopped Living And Got Even Dumber

Bagua11/27/2009 10:09:30 pm PST

href=”/showc/425/7903773”>#425 talon_262

Dude, you got busted (read my #400)…put a sock in it, why don’t you?

Dude? Racist and bigot are different words. John’s writings in that thread most certainly showed bigotry which I clearly defined.

I defined my usage again the next time he whined about it, and do again now. Look it up in the dictionary.

re: #431 Dark_Falcon

Agreed. Don’t be like Ludwig, Bagua. Prove you’re the better man and step back. John isn’t a bigot, not at all.

As to what I did say, bigot: : a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance.

That most certainly applied to John’s arguments demonising ACORN in that thread.