
Comedy Central Backs Down After Islamic Group's Threats Over 'South Park'

Decatur Deb4/22/2010 5:21:32 pm PDT

re: #444 Cato the Elder


The crucial question is, why does “morality” exist at all?

There may be evolutionary reasons for not murdering your kin, but what, in the “selfish gene” theory, should ever have come up with the idea that one should not kill random strangers?

Where did the idea arise that the stranger (in Greek: χενος, zenos = both “stranger” and “guest”) enjoys particular protection?

Why is there a prohibition against murder written in every human heart?

Why do Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Wicca, and every other “religion” except maybe $cientology (which commands that thou shalt do good only unto them that can pay) command respect for the weak and powerless?

There is no possible scientific explanation for this. We see the proof every day, in that to survive in this society, the very best thing you can do is oppress and exploit the weak and powerless for your own gain.

Well, I’m going to go all hippie on you here, and leave you with a song by the Incredible String Band.


Evolution—the cultural kind. Human groups that developed the same rough set of moral precepts generally functioned more effectively than those that did not. The “nots” tended to disappear.