
Do Religious Fanatics Have the Right to Conduct Exorcisms in the Workplace?

darthstar11/13/2010 10:06:48 am PST

re: #451 Rightwingconspirator

My point is that Congress has its say all the time. For or against.

In this case-Against him in what? Against his support of Israel? Of course not.
Against him pushing too hard on Israel (not such a remote possibility) to get a peace deal moving or done? That’s a certainty in any case.

Against him on which way the toilet paper rolls, if it will score one political point. They don’t give a fuck about Israel. They just want to get control of the narrative…now CNN will interview Cantor whenever there’s a discussion of Israeli policy. He’s appointed himself shadow Sec of State. And there won’t be any question about whether this is good or not. It will just be.