
Just One More Rush Limbaugh Racist Rant

Mad Prophet Ludwig11/16/2010 6:33:12 pm PST

re: #432 fraxinus americana

Actually I just said point taken about Rush irritating the left. IIRC you used something such as,”Why hello sock! How are you doing today? By which of your multiple paranoid delusional personae shall we refer to you as?” I didn’t realize that meant troll. You can think what you want of Rush, I don’t have to defend him from your opinion of him. For a person that claims to know something about christians you must not have learned “judge not lest ye be judged” oh but I forgot your not christen so keep up the name calling, projection, and judging.

Wait a minute, so noticing that he is a hateful racist is projection?

You claim not to have to defend him, but you are trying to defend him. In typical fashion you are purposefully ignoring all the points too. Do you think you are convincing anyone that Rush isn’t a vile, heartless racist bastard who thinks mocking the helpless is funny?

Now there was a time when this sort of willful blindness used to confuse me. It really did. Coming from a university background, I was simply unprepared for people seeing evidence as clearly marked as a neon sign and pretending it was not even there. It confused me. It frustrated me. I expected adults capable of using a computer to be able to think at least clearly enough that when bludgeoned by fact, after fact, they would at least acknowledge them.

I learned though. This is the web.

That used to make me angry. Because clearly the people did see, and they just did not care. That made them both arrogant and in the case of supporting a monster like Limbaugh, evil.

Then I realized so what? Once it was established that the folks who would refuse to see such things were utterly stupid, evil and arrogant - they ceased to garner the respect needed to care about them or persuading them.

But that’s ok, we are amused by you socky sock. Dance for us.