
Herman Cain Harassment Victim's News Conference

Buck11/04/2011 7:23:14 pm PDT

re: #451 Obdicut

You can’t simultaenously claim that Cain wasn’t around for the end of the process on and therefore had no knowledge of the money paid, and that he knew the result of an ‘investigation’ whose end was a payout but that somehow found him blameless.

Sure he can. They informed him of the results of the investigation, but not the details of the agreement. The lawyer today said “it’s conceivable that Cain didn’t even know about it.”

B) The result was that a settlement was made that acknowledged no fault, but it certainly didn’t find the accusations baseless. If they had, they would have fought it in court. There is no company on earth that determines claims to be baseless and then pays up anyway; they’d go broke overnight.

Sometimes the payment is less money than the cost of going to court. Also sometimes insurance takes over and tries to save money. Your statement that “There is no company on earth that determines claims to be baseless and then pays up anyway; ” is a lie.