
2012 Democratic National Convention: Day One, Thread Three, Michelle Obama Edition

darthstar9/05/2012 7:35:23 am PDT

Well, Michelle did write her own speech and she is a smart woman. She also knows that people respond better when you treat them like they’re intelligent human beings, and not just simple idiots you need to convince to vote.

The First Lady’s speech Tuesday was written at a 12th grade level - the highest in history among the wives of presidential nominees and far above Ann Romney’s lowest mark of a 5th grade level

Although her husband has delivered some of the simplest State of the Union speeches over the last 75+ years - with all three written at an eighth grade level - Michelle Obama did not follow rhetorical suit on Tuesday evening.

One week after Ann Romney set a record for delivering a speech written at the lowest grade level in convention history by the wives of presidential nominees, Michelle Obama delivers a speech written at the highest ever grade level.