
Law Enforcement Officials Admit Officer Wilson Fired at Michael Brown as He Ran Away

Scottish Dragon8/20/2014 5:30:19 pm PDT

Policeone is on the job to make sure that poor, battered, nearly beat to death Officer Wilson is not forgotton:

Posted by HYRKY on Wednesday, August 20, 2014 04:31 PM Pacific Report Abuse

Understood, Brother, then it is I who understood intent. On a separate note, Darren’s fundraiser was up to around 85,000 last time I checked. With some 800,000 coppers in this country, it should be 10x that by the time this ends.

Posted by wasafuzz on Wednesday, August 20, 2014 04:17 PM Pacific Report Abuse

There was no shooting in the back, there was no shooting with hands up, Officer Wilson received a broken eye socket from a much larger violent person who just committed a felony and was committing another felony when a very justified Officer Wilson who is authorized to used deadly force in protecting himself.
The whole case against Officer Wilson has been hijacked by politicians and it has been absolutely disgusting. Their objectives have been all along to appease a certain race and the heck with another particular race. Exactly what happened to Zimmerman. Is this our new hope and change we were all promised 5 years ago? I think so.

Posted by SAPDMAS on Wednesday, August 20, 2014 03:44 PM Pacific Report Abuse

Nixon may have screwed up the case against Officer Wilson. Nixon could of prejudiced the case by his stupid comments without even knowing the total facts of the case. Not to mention the negative influence of such comments. In my humble opinion, it taints the case.

Posted by Kenstah on Wednesday, August 20, 2014 03:33 PM Pacific Report Abuse

How can a sitting Governor go on national TV and convict an officer without a shred of evidence? What about due process? What about justice for the officer? Where does this ass hat get off? Hell they indicted Gov Perry in Texas for cutting off funds when he’s allowed to do so, can’t we indict this ass hat Nixon for libel or slander or SOMETHING? Where are all the thirsty lawyers at?