
Wednesday Night Stunt Guitar: Joe Satriani w/ Marco Minneman and Bryan Beller - "Satch Boogie"

Sir John Barron10/02/2014 9:23:27 am PDT


Winning meant people like Fuller, Hart and Hobart got sidelined in Britain while in Germany Guderian was able to get the resources he needed to start building Panzer divisions.

Also helpful for Guderian is that Shicklegruber was insane and so thought outside the box. Panzers were just the thing to appeal to Hitler, especially since the professionals mostly looked at them with disdain.

Hmmm, fascinating!

At the same time, there were instances, such as at Dunkirk, where Hitler could have crippled, if not knocked out completely, Great Britain. And from my viewing of The World At War, it seems as if the German U-boats could have similarly prevented the U.S. from successfully aiding GB if Hitler had devoted the resources to it, although the U-boats were extremely destructive as it was.