
Tuesday Night Jam: Nick Johnston, "Weakened by Winter"

Bass Reeves2/01/2017 9:39:38 am PST

Hey Umm,

When will it be okay to freak the hell out? Asking for a friend. I understand trying to maintain a positive outlook, but what the hell else do we need to happen before liberals stop treating the GOP and relations like rational actors? The most powerful advisor to the alleged leader of the free world wants to burn it all down, we’ve started banning muslims and cracking down dissent in government agencies which are headed by people that want to destroy said agencies. A *lizard* said we could live with Sessions fucking up civil rights for a couple of generations.

Have you guys understood that it is possible that we were just wrong? I admitted I was wrong in my faith in the basic reasoning skills of Americans, but this place has mocked and ridiculed: Trump, Nazis, the Bundys (and militia movements), the GOP, Rage Furby, Deadbart, Dim Jim, and a host of other things *that now control the machinery that underpins the fucking world*.

How about less mocking and trying to get under their skin, and more punching Nazis in the face and engagement with your shitty white neighbors and coworkers? Crumple their worldview, and if that doesn’t work, punch them some more.