
End of the Year Prediction Thread

palomino1/01/2012 1:13:50 am PST

re: #455 Slumbering Behemoth

Though it could be said that we ignore their kind at our peril, he and his are soon to be relics. A vague memory to be pondered on in retrospect.


That we can completely agree on. I’m not quite as optimistic as Nate Silver, who thinks all states will have same sex marriage by 2025 (with MS being the last to permit it). But the tide is quite clear, and it’s moving in that direction. With each passing day, more gay couples get married and society doesn’t collapse. Which will eventually make today’s Santorum/Bachmann/Gingrich hysteria over gay rights look like something from another planet.

To everyone: Happy New Year! Prospero Ano Nuevo! ETC, ETC!