
Video: Romney Supporters Respond to Climate Change by Yelling "USA! USA! USA!"

The Ghost of a Flea11/03/2012 9:23:36 am PDT

U.S. says CIA responded within 25 minutes to Benghazi attack: Intelligence officials dispute a report by Fox News that officers in Libya were ordered to ‘stand down’ after the diplomatic compound came under attack.

They insisted there was no viable military option to disrupt what amounted to a series of sporadic attacks in a crowded city full of people sympathetic to the U.S. There were no armed drones in the region and airstrikes were not called for, officials said.

“Let’s say we were able to get an aircraft there. Do you go in and start strafing a populated area without knowing where friend or foe is?” a senior Defense official asked. “If you did that, you could kill the very people you are trying to help.”

In wingnut land, this is the problem: America-fuck-yeah-ism dictates that you bomb the brown people mercilessly and indiscriminately, for none of them are really our friends.