
In Which Chuck C. Johnson Tries to Go to a Boehner Fundraiser, Ends Up Being Questioned by Police

lawhawk3/16/2015 8:53:31 am PDT

The GOP problem in a nutshell. Take the response to Ferguson and the DOJ report.

Leon Wolf writes a very even-handed post at RedState, wherein he indicates that even if you take the DOJ report at its most favorable to the FPD, you’re still left with a huge problem not only for the FPD, but all law enforcement nationally.

The FPD, by its own admission (and its own personnel reports, internal documents, etc.) operated as a revenue generator for Ferguson, never adequately trained or carried out oversight of police re: excessive force, etc.

The laundry list of problems is staggering, writes Wolf.

And of course, he’s targeted by right wingers at RedState for stating the astoundingly obvious.

This is the crux of the GOP problem. If you’re not nuts enough to reach the base, you’re ignored or treated as RINO. If you state the obvious, you’re treated as a pariah.

If you recite facts that are based on Ferguson’s own document’s you’re considered a Michael Brown supporter (even as the DOJ chose not to bring charges against Wilson because the law wouldn’t support it).

The GOP faces troubles that are far deeper and more ingrained than merely trying to win in 2016. They face a reality gap.