
Amazing Animated Video From Kneebody: "The Balloonist"

No Malarkey!2/20/2020 1:42:00 pm PST

re: #447 Targetpractice

You can’t have it both ways. You can’t say you’re for following the rules but Bernie should be nominated even if he fails to meet the mandated threshold to win the nomination.

Worse, you’re undermining your own position that “Bernie or Bust” voters don’t constitute a large portion of his followers when you say that “a lot of voters we need” will walk away if he doesn’t receive the nomination. If they’re a small portion of his followers, then how can they be enough to swing the election?

By your definition of bending or breaking the rules, the Democrats should not nominate anyone then. Someone has to be the nominee, and the candidate who got the most votes and delegates is the obvious choice. By “Bernie or bust” I mean people who will only vote for Bernie period; that is a small group. I think there is a larger group who will be turned off if they perceive that he is denied the nomination unfairly. Its more important to defeat Trump than to stop Bernie; if he is the most popular candidate, has the most votes, and the most delegates, it stands to reason he is the logical choice for the nomination.