
Atlas Shrugs' Pamela Geller Calls for Me to Be 'Publicly Flogged'

Sharmuta1/11/2009 12:12:23 pm PST

re: #429 avanti

I agree You’ll never get the hard right and hard left together in any tent, heck not even the hard left with the left and hard right with the right. Having said that, it is possible to move the middle a bit. For example, someone on the right might support might a moderately pro choice candidate that’s a fiscal consecutive, or someone of the left might support a otherwise qualified pro life person.
The problem is trying to win by going too far right or left to please your base. Obama managed to not piss off the far left while campaigning and picking up the center.
LGF for example pisses of some on the hard right with it’s stand on evolution, but is otherwise a conservative blog as far as I can tell.

I see the political spectrum as a circle. The far left and far right can and do meet- see ron paul, for example. More often than not, the unifying theme tends to be Jew hatred.