
Video: Dawkins vs. Wright

Ian MacGregor8/05/2009 6:59:03 pm PDT

The intelligent design discussions soon become an attack on religious belief in general. Are there any Judaeo-Christian religions which require a belief that the world came about exactly as laid out in Genesis? It’s not just the time aspect, but the order is problematic with plants appearing before the sun. These denominations probably exist, but they are a small minority. I will say that no denomination goes out if its way to discourage belief that things happened exactly as laid down in Genesis as they fear the possibility of destroying faith. Destruction of faith is not a good thing.

Faith has totally changed people’s lives, turned them into productive members of society rather than heartless criminals. The bible is not a scientific treatise on cosmology, biology, geology or any other science. It is a book about God. How much space is given to the creation story in the bible.

Now a belief in God pretty well forces one to believe that God is involved in the whole process. Whether being all knowing and simply starting the whole thing, or providing guidance at various points, and certainly scriptures say we are made in His image from which the first commandment against murder was given to Noah. Faith is not science, and science is not faith. Science depends on facts, on material evidence. Faith depends on the heart. Most people in the country have room for both.

The ad hominem attacks against Mrs. Wright are unnecessary. Her views can be refuted without them. She can live by her beliefs. She should know they are heart-felt faith, and not science.